

In an effort to cultivate a culture of teaching and learning which offers a holistic development of both students and lecturers, Walter Sisulu University in February launched the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).

The launch and inauguration of SoTL, held at WSU’s Whittlesea Great Hall, was attended by academics and scholars who engaged under the theme “SoTL as An Enabler to Achieve Academic Excellence.”

SoTL is concerned with developing graduate attributes prescribed by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and WSU, through the development of best teaching practices which support this objective.

Keynote speaker, Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) at the University of Fort Hare, Professor Vuyisile Nkonki emphasized the importance of engaging all academics in the SoTL pursuits of excellence in teaching and research. In addition, he challenged all academics to be active participants in SoTL and contribute to the research target of the institution.

WSU embraced SoTL in 2010 through the appointment of a senior research associate to initiate programmes that could encourage academics to adopt SoTL in their curriculum practices and has since been gaining ground and popularity.

WSU’s SoTL manager, Dr. Billey Addam said that SoTL would culminate in better quality teaching, a versatile pool of graduands, and high-quality research outputs. Ultimately these results would propel WSU to being counted amongst the top higher education institutions nationally and globally.

“SoTL places emphasis on quality education derived from impactful curriculum facilitation, students learning and quality graduates. Further, it creates the platform for professional development of lecturers, notwithstanding participating in the global knowledge expansion agenda,” said Addam.

In anticipation of any challenges which might impede the implementation and integration of SoTL in the institution, a call was made for a Community of Practice (CoP) under the banner of “SoTL Fellowships” on all campuses.

“It is understandable that not all staff will embrace and be keen in participating in SoTL hence, the call for Community of Practice under the banner of “SoTL Fellowships” on all campuses. The fellowships will bring together like-minded colleagues with their common agenda of improved classroom practice, share good practices and contribute to the societal knowledgebase. The fellowships will spearhead SoTL agenda on the campuses such as publications, webinars, conferences, symposia etc. internally and externally,” concluded Addam.

By Yanga Ziwele

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