


Walter Sisulu University in collaboration with the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the National Research Foundation-South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (NRF-SAIAB) aim to address food insecurity through a Joint Marine Laboratory.

The lab launch which took place at WSU’s Mthatha campus on 24 January 2024 was intended to bolster marine science research in the institution. WSU is the fourth institution to launch the JML programme’s Rural Coastal Sustainability Laboratory following the three other institutions that launched in the year 2022 and 2023.

WSU Biological and Environmental Sciences lecturer, Dr Thembinkosi Dlaza, said: “With WSU being an African University, the DSI, NRF-SAIAB and WSU Rural Coastal Sustainability Laboratory was designed to deal with African challenges faced by rural communities. The major challenges that will be addressed by the lab are food security and adaptation to climate change.”

Dlaza further said that the food security component will be tackled through experimental studies on factors influencing the reproduction, life history and growth of different species under culture conditions.

“This will not only enable us to rapidly increase biomass of target species but will also afford us the opportunity for discovery of new species for inclusion in South African marine aquaculture,” said Dlaza.

DSI Deputy Director General, Imraan Patel, said: “One of the important issues we hope to address with the lab is human capital. We aim to build the next generation of researchers and scientists with the focus on transformation. Hopefully this facility will help to attract young people to science.”

Patel added that as NRF and DSI, they have done a lot to strengthen the role of science and innovation and they hope that staff and colleagues who run the lab will contribute to using the facility and its work to enhance science research.

The DSI and NRF Joint Marine Laboratory (JML) programme is directed at transformation-orientated infrastructure programme of the DSI and NRF Phuhlisa initiative which aims to grow marine science in historically disadvantaged universities.

DSI and NRF-SAIAB handed over the lab together with a car and boat that will assist the researchers with conducive working environment when conducting their research.

Results from this laboratory will contribute towards WSU mission and vision; United Nations Sustainable goals 1, 2, 3, 13 and 14; South African National Development Plan Vision; and Eastern Cape Provincial Development Plan.  

By Anita Roji

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