

WSU Medical Biochemistry Researcher, Dr Hannibal T. Musarurwa’s work is centred around investigating whether the potency and effectiveness of plant extracts from the Wild Coast can be affected as a result of where and when the plants are collected.

The researcher intends to relate natural soil microorganisms and how they affect the production of chemicals that make the same plant efficacious when collected from one place and not the other. 

Musarurwa said, “Scientists have used the environment (season, climate, slope, and the direction of the plant grows facing) to explain the differences in the effectiveness of some plants, however, there is evidence suggesting the bacteria and other microorganisms may play a role too, yet not much work has been done on the subject.” 

Using a combination of metagenomics (identification of organisms using DNA found in the environment) and metabolomics (analysis of compounds produced by an organism), Musarurwa seeks to show how soil-borne microorganisms influence the potency of herbal preparations since the plant chemical is usually produced for protection. 

He added, “My research is aimed at examining both DNA and metabolites (a substance formed in or necessary for metabolism) from both plants and soil to figure out the relationship.”

The idea was derived from the growth patterns of a local sage (Impepho) on which his doctorate thesis was based. The plant grows in different regions of the Eastern and Western Cape and has shown a large variation in the chemicals they produce, as a result of the presence of divergent growing conditions.
 “My vision for this research is to later be able to identify these organisms which assist with the efficacy of these plants, collect them and create use them to grow effective medicinal plants which could assist in the health system,” said the Doctor.
By: Ongezwa Sigodi  

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