


WSU Mathematics Education Professor Jogymol Alex has been inducted as the first South African representative on the Mathematics Education for the Future Project dedicated to innovating mathematics, science, statistics, and computer education worldwide through research.

The induction occurred at the first Symposium on Innovative Teaching Practices held at Queen’s College, Oxford University in August.

“It is a milestone in my career to be part of an international team that seeks to provide a platform for researchers around the world to present innovative practices in mathematics education,” said Alex.

As part of her duties, Alex will form part of the team that will organise the 2024 ‘New Ways of Teaching & Learning’ symposium to be held in Bologna, Italy, and the 17th conference in Cluj Napoca, Romania in 2025.

“One of the factors that influenced my induction into the board was my establishment of the Mathematics Education and Research Centre at the Mthatha Campus in 2018, with the primary aim of equipping and educating teachers to enhance the quality of mathematics education and student performance in the nation.”

She added, “The centre itself is being considered as a great contributor to the upliftment of mathematics teaching and learning through the many research projects, which is finding solutions to the many problems associated with our South African rural context.”

One of the centre’s most notable contributions is a partnership with the Govan Mbeki Mathematics Development Centre (GMMDC) which introduced the Gamma Tutor Device in rural schools around the Eastern Cape.

The device provides video lessons, animated PowerPoint lessons, self-assessments with scoring and feedback, structured exam revision, and an interactive multiple-support function that explains mathematical concepts in English.

“The future depends on the innovation that is added in education today. The ever-growing need in South Africa to produce a workforce skilled in Mathematics, Science, Engineering and Technology requires radical action from stakeholders in education. Innovation partnerships and co-operation are needed for it. If we can contribute towards it, we will have a better South Africa."

Alex was elected after delivering a plenary address titled "Mathematics Education for the Future: Evidence from Mathematics Education and Research Centre in a Rural University". Her address was based on the innovative practices and efforts to make Mathematics more accessible to WSU student teachers and the wider mathematics education community through the collaborative projects.

By Ongezwa Sigodi

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