


Women involved in the cannabis industry  gathered in Lusikisiki to be empowered with insights into various crucial elements within the cannabis domain such as science, legislation and compliance.

The Women in Cannabiznis event hosted  WSU Chemistry Senior Researcher, Professor Adebola Oyedeji in their panel discussion who indulged the audience on the scientific-based evidence on the capability of cannabis to address health issues as well as a suitable commodity for local and international trade.

“Cannabis is popular for its medicinal and recreational uses, and this is brought out by the class of compounds that are there. There are warm classes of compounds that are called secondary metabolites which can be classified as terpenoids, flavonoids, steroids and cannabinoids are known to have medicinal properties,” said Oyedeji.

Oyedeji further expressed that it is important for people to know that cannabis is not for recreational purposes only, it is more than that and something needs to be done to remove the stigma around it.

“We can become a nation whereby we begin to look at the elastic profits from cannabis and start moving away from destroying our society through the recreational usage and look into the medicinal usage of cannabis,” concluded Oyedeji.

Advocate Ncumisa Sinyanya simplified the South African legislation and translation on matters pertaining to cultivation, possession use, processing and commercialisation.

“In South Africa, just like other countries, the use of cannabis has always been deemed as illegal. There are two pieces of legislation that were making use of cannabis illegal, the Drugs Act and the Medicine and Related Substance Act,” said Sinyanya.

Sinyanya further added that on 18 September 2018, the Constitutional Court said the right to privacy allows people above the age of 18 years to use, plant, and carry cannabis in their personal space for their personal consumption. She said this means people can’t go around using cannabis in public spaces such as work, but only in one’s home or privacy. 

“South Africa is the only African country that has made a provision to allow cannabis to be used for recreational purposes. The court left the question of the quantity open-ended for the police to use their discretion to decide if the quantity is legal or illegal,” said Sinyanya.

Cannabis and hemp consultant, Noncedo Mbata addressed the importance of compliance and the requirements of the permit application process.

The Women in Cannabiznis occasion partnered with Walter Sisulu University, Township Cannabis Incubator, Small Enterprise Development Agency, Small Business Development and Ingquza Hill local municipality.

By Anita Roji

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