


Walter Sisulu University management together with the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) which fosters collaboration between the two entities for the next six years.

The primary focus of the MoA for the time being is the provision of financial support for WSU students who are without NSFAS or bursary funding, subject to students meeting the MQA’s funding requirements.

This partnership forms part of the MQA’s objective of strengthening its relationship with institutions of higher learning, a relationship which it has held with WSU in the past.

Following the defunding of a number of students, the university deemed it necessary to reach out to various institutions for assistance, and the MQA heeded its call.

“Initially the students were funded, and then out of the blue, students were defunded, and we had to approach stakeholders such as the MQA to step in and help us. If we already have a firm relationship with entities such as the MQA, and things of this nature happen, we need to be able make use of such avenues,”

Chief Executive Officer of the MQA, Dr Thabo Moshongoane said that although the MQA’s focus was to empower mining communities which were far from the Eastern Cape, WSU was one of the key producers of labour resources which migrate to those mining industries.

Executive Director of WSU’s Advancement Directorate, Silvanus welcome added that the two although student funding was at the forefront of the two entities’ collaboration, the MoA would birth more initiatives.

“The partnership will contribute to the financial sustainability of the university and solidify its position in the higher education sector as an institution in pursuit of excellence. Furthermore, there are several areas for collaboration and synergies that will be established between WSU and MQA. These prospective areas of collaboration will definitely be explored in the near future,” said Welcome.

By Yanga Ziwele

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