

Walter Sisulu University hosted a Gender Based Violence Book Writing Retreat at the Blue Lagoon in East London from 21 March to 25 March 2023.

The primary intention of the workshop was to get accelerated generation of chapters for a three-series GBV Book.

Project Coordinator, Dr Sylivia Nkanyuza, said, said that one of the main projects would be writing the first volume of a three part book series, referred to as “Name IT, Shame It and Tame IT” under the over heading title of Gender-Based Violence: An Afro-Centric multi-disciplinary perspective. Each book will have the over-heading and specific book series underneath.

 “In 2020, the Policy Framework to address Gender-Based Violence in the Post-School Education and Training System came out. In 2021, Professor Rushiella Nolundi Songca the Vice-Chancellor and Principal housed the GBV programme within her office, which would emanate in various projects,” Nkanyuza said.

The WSU Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Rushiella Nolundi Songca opened the writing session and emphasised her commitment towards ensuring the success of this endeavour.

The retreat was attended by both internal and external editors for the three themes: NAME IT, SHAME IT, and TAME IT.  The diverse polyvocal academic and non-academic contributors zealously examined GBV from multiple lenses using their rich discipline-specific lenses.

The first book series ‘Name IT’ looks and reviews the historical features with different meanings and understanding of GBV into the contemporary meaning of GBV within societies. Hence by, Naming GBV from multiply perspectives with focus on the African continent, would come up an understanding and conclusion of GBV definitions.

“The over heading title by Prof Songca, encapsulates all three-book series that will come out one after another and Prof. Songca is the General Editor. The concept for the book series came from Prof. Naidoo of the Faculty of Health Sciences after our first workshop in 2021,” said Nkanyuza.

The second book series referred to as ‘Shames It’ elaborates on stories, literature, stories, interviews and newspaper articles of highlighted GBV incidents and cases in the communities, workplaces, judicial system and society at large. 

“The third book series referred to as ‘Tame It’ provides some possible solutions towards the eventual eradication of GBV from different perspective,” added Nkanyuza.

The high-spirited contributors interacted in a hybrid programme that had both group interaction, silent writing sessions and opportunities of networking across the rich discipline offering of Walter Sisulu University.

“The book series in the first volume will consist of current academic and support staff members from the different Faculties and Directorates. Follow-ups of further book series in a second volume will be made open to external interested individuals and/or institutions,” said Nkanyuza.

The GBV book series and WSU in-house journal are innovative projects that have been initiated by the VC and aligned with her ongoing efforts to foster a multi-inter-transdisciplinary(MIT) collaborative approach to research and scholarship at the institution.

By: Anita Roji

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