


Walter Sisulu University’s second-year Bachelor of Accounting Science student, Luyanda Yolani Nkomo, has decided to overcome her fears and focus on raising breast cancer awareness through participation in the South African Universities pageant

The 22-year-old and first-time model from Mount Frere in the Eastern Cape, took a leap of faith and managed to make it as a finalists in the competition.

This first ever Miss Universities of South Africa pageant is an umbrella fundraising project for a Non-Profit Organisation, Hands That Give, which is aimed at helping university students who need financial and mental health assistance.

One of the requirements for this competition is for the finalists to engage in charity work and Nkomo plans to direct her focus on breast cancer awareness as October is known as a Breast Cancer Awareness month.

“Because women empowerment is something close to my heart, I will visit an orphanage of choice to educate young girls about their health which will include breast cancer awareness,” said Nkomo.

Nkomo said that she is a firm believer of that when women are empowered mentally, especially young girl then there is nothing they cannot conquer.

“As much as my act of good cause will be mostly about breast cancer awareness to young girls, I am also an advocate for a good mental health in teenagers, a good mental space can shape your future.”

In conclusion, Nkomo said her walking on that stage in November will be a representation of many young girls who want to conquer their fears but not in a good mental state to do so.


By Anita Roji

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