


A 22-year old Public Management student, Siyanda Nhlabathi, will represent the institution at the National University Sports South Africa (USSA) National Body Building Championships in Mpumalanga in September.

The third-year student, enrolled at WSU’s Komani Campus, recently competed at the USSA regional selection competition where he took third place, and subsequently qualified for the national championships.

Elated Nhlabathi commended his coach Thandisile Mhlala, as well as his campus management for the support they offered him even though the sport had not yet been fully established on campus.

“Bodybuilding taught me how to be disciplined, consistent and patient. Personally, and academically, the sport has helped me live with a clear and refreshed mind, which helps me during examinations.  We as students tend to panic and we don’t give ourselves time relax and freshen our minds when dealing with academics. But I always make sure I hit the gym before studying so that I can be in good shape physically and mentally,” said Nhlabathi.

Living in a world where depression and substance abuse are at an all-time high amongst the youth, Nhlabathi asserted that it was very crucial for students to involve themselves in extramural activities, and live balanced lifestyles. This, he said, not only helped him stay fit and healthy, but offered an opportunity to create lasting connections which could spill over to one’s career outside of sports.

Nhlabathi found an interest in the sport when he was just thirteen years old, using makeshift equipment made from old paint cans and cement. To finally be able to live his dream on national stages is a humbling experience for the youngster.

“Bodybuilding is not just a hobby or a just a sport to me, it’s a lifestyle. I live it. Winning and seeing all my trophies, medals and prizes brings me peace and warms my heart. It’s a dream come true to me because I’ve been wishing for these moments since I started training. And most importantly, I always make sure I have fun during preparation, and on stage.

By Yanga Ziwele

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