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WSU Faculty of Education studentprenuer, Ncedo Ntsabo, was crowned the number one contender of the Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) intervarsity that took place in November.  

Ntsabo took the first position in the Existing Business Category and overall studentprenuer of the year out of 24 universities in South Africa.

Speaking on his journey to success, Ntsabo said: “It was a tough and tense journey filled with sleepless nights. I was nervous and scared because the standard was very high, and everyone else was way amazing in their presentations and everything but I came out top and the feeling is inexplicable.”  

The 26-year-old from Idutywa, Eastern Cape, established his company, Qombe Maize, amid the COVID-19 pandemic to address challenges related to inequality, food security, unemployment, and poverty.

Through his work, Ntsabo strives to bridge the gaps in food security in the province, especially after the latest Census report which indicated that the province has the second highest number of households involved in agricultural activities.

“Food security is important to me because it ensures a stable and reliable food supply for my communities and the nation. It not only contributes to the well-being of the population but also strengthens the agricultural sector, providing economic opportunities for other young farmers.  

Ntsabo’s company first impressed the judges in the WSU internal rounds held in June, and later in the Eastern Cape regional rounds in October.

His love for agriculture began at an early where his late Grandmother instilled values of “growing your own food.”

Ntsabo said, “The love for business came from Cornerstone College as one of my Teachers Mrs Botha and Mrs Minaar encouraged me to sell some stuff whilst studying at school and this was a part of our break activities to raise money for a charity home near the school.”

Senior Student Development Practitioner and an EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity Coordinator, Khanyisile Blaai said, “I am proud of our student and young farmer Ncedo Ntsabo, he put on an excellent performance and flew the WSU flag very high. The competition was tough, but he did brilliantly.”

EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity is an annual competition launched in the first quarter of the year to identify and showcase the top student entrepreneurs at South African public universities, as well as to invite investment to support student businesses.  

-By Ongezwa Sigodi

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