


WSU Faculty of Natural Sciences student, Sithethelele Bekwa, was among the top three winners at the Bio Africa Innovation Convention with his innovative research that addresses water contamination problems.

Bekwa’s Master’s degree research titled: “Investigating The Suitability Of  Hydrogen Sulfide (H2s) Strip Test For The Rapid Assessment Of Microbial Drinking‐Water Safety, In Marginalised Communities” won second place.

Microbial contamination of drinking water remains a significant issue in many marginalised communities, leading to potential outbreaks of waterborne diseases according to the study.

“If the H2S strip test is proven to be effective, it could inform policy decisions regarding the adoption of rapid assessment methods for water safety monitoring, leading to improved regulations and interventions,” said Bekwa.

“Being chosen to be part of the students who got to present their innovative research ideas and win in the BioAfrica Innovation Convention meant a lot to me. This meant that my research is impactful to the community and it is being recognised as such,” said Bekwa.

The 2023 BIO Africa Innovation Convention was themed “Re-imagining Biotechnology Innovation for Africa's Development and Security”.

Bekwa further said that the project in this context would represent an opportunity to effect meaningful change, promote inclusivity and make a lasting impact on people's lives.

“This win will influence the government to adopt alternative water monitoring methods contributing to positive change and providing practical solutions to address water quality issues that disproportionately affect marginalised communities in my country,” said Bekwa.

Bekwa received incentives such as prize money, a laptop and access to discuss areas of collaboration with LANCET Laboratories.

This opportunity was granted to all Master's degree and PhD students who are currently enrolled in Life Sciences or related programs at all South African institutions of higher learning.

The BIO Africa Convention is an annual event that facilitates an enriching and collaborative platform for the exchange of groundbreaking ideas and opportunities in the biotechnology industry.

By Anita Roji

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