Occupational Health and Safety Unit
Walter Sisulu University is committed to providing and maintaining, as reasonably as practicable, a work and learning environment that is safe and without risk to the health of staff, students, mandatories, and visitors, as prescribed in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHS Act) and its Regulations.
Key Areas of Responsibility
- Ensuring that the WSU SHE Policy is in place, setting out the institution’s objectives regarding Safety, Health, and Environment.
- Ensuring leadership and commitment from Senior Management, who are ultimately responsible for OHS performance.
- Assisting the Human Resource Department in ensuring the institution is registered and possesses a Letter of Good Standing in terms of the COID Act 130 of 1993.
- Ensuring that all incidents and accidents are reported, recorded, and investigated, including reporting Section 24 incidents as required by the OHS Act 85 of 1993. Incident reporting forms are available at labour.gov.za.
- Ensuring that Emergency Preparedness Plans are in place and that regular emergency evacuation drills are conducted.
- Implementing and maintaining SHE Procedures for an effective SHE Management System and Program.
- Ensuring that SHE Representatives are appointed as per Sections 17 & 18 of the OHS Act 85 of 1993.
- Coordinating the establishment of SHE Committees as per Sections 19 & 20 of the OHS Act 85 of 1993 and attending meetings as advisory members.
- Providing guidance on conducting Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) and maintaining up-to-date HIRA Registers.
- Ensuring compliance with Mandatory SHE Training for individuals serving in different SHE structures.
- Promoting a health and safety culture through awareness campaigns and induction programs.
- Conducting SHE and Fire Safety Building Inspections to ensure compliance with the OHS Act and SANS Codes.
Duties of Health and Safety Representatives
Health and Safety Representatives are empowered to:
- Conduct health and safety audits.
- Identify potential hazards, risks, and dangers, and report to the relevant unit (OHS).
- Investigate incidents within their respective areas.
- Make recommendations regarding health and safety improvements.
- Conduct inspections.
- Attend health and safety committee meetings.
Health and Safety Unit Staff
1. Health and Safety Manager - Mrs. Yongama Cata
- Office Location: Institutional Office
- Area of Responsibility: All WSU Campuses
- Contact Details: 066 346 9245
- Email: ycata@wsu.ac.za
2. Health and Safety Officer - Miss Ziyanda Ntsabo
- Office Location: Potsdam Admin
- Area of Responsibility: Buffalo City Campus
- Contact Details: 072 180 2380
- Email: zntsabo@wsu.ac.za
3. Health and Safety Officer - Miss Likhona Mkhumbini
- Office Location: Nelson Mandela Drive Old Library
- Area of Responsibility: Mthatha Campus
- Contact Details: 066 190 8537
- Email: lmkhumbini@wsu.ac.za
4. Health and Safety Officer - Ms. Qaqamba Mtebele
- Office Location: Ibika Admin
- Area of Responsibility: Butterworth Campus
- Contact Details: 060 608 2125
- Email: qmtebele@wsu.ac.za