B Ed in Senior Phase & FET Teaching (Creative Arts History)
B Ed in Senior Phase & FET Teaching (Creative Arts) |
Qualification Objective |
Entry Requirements |
The Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training degree (B Ed SP & FET) has the primary purpose of providing a well- rounded education that equips graduates with the required subject content knowledge base, educational theory, and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically and professionally qualified beginner teachers. Principles and theory are emphasised as a basis for entry into a professional teaching career. The learning programme must, as a minimum requirement, lead to the development of all the beginner teacher competences. The degree is intended to develop qualified classroom teachers who can demonstrate focused knowledge and skills in Senior and Further Education and Training Phases teaching. The degree requires a specific depth of, and specialisation in knowledge, together with practical skills and workplace experience, to enable successful students to enter into teaching and apply their learning as beginner teachers in schools in varying contexts. The programme will enable graduates to demonstrate initiative and responsibility in an academic and professional teaching environment. Additionally, the degree requires intellectual independence and the development of research competence at an introductory level in the field of education, specifically teaching and learning, in order to provide a basis for postgraduate studies in the field of education or in a sub-field of education, as well as for further professional development as a teacher. (Government Gazette, 19 February, 2015, p. 28). |
A National Senior Certificate (NSC), with Bachelor’s degree endorsement and achievement in the subjects as follows: · English level 4 · IsiXhosa or IsiZulu or Afrikaans or Sotho level 4 · Music or Dramatic Arts or Visual Arts or Dance Studies level 4, · History level 4 · Life Orientation level 4 · A pass in any other two subjects Admission point score: 28 NB.: 1. Only Music and Creative Arts courses are offered in 2024. 2. If English is to be taken as a Major B, it should have a minimum of 60% i.e. level 4 3. Applicants who do not have Music as a subject will be subjected to MUSICAL APTITUDE TEST as a basis for admission or rejection. |
Assessment strategy Assessment of all undergraduate programmes shall take place on a continuous basis throughout the course of each module/course culminating in a written or oral examination at the end of each semester/academic year. Weighting shall be in the ratio of 50%, continuous assessment to 50% written or oral examination. The overall aggregate pass mark shall be 50%. A student with an overall mark of between 40% and 49% subject to a minimum mark of 40% for both continuous assessment and final examination qualifies for a supplementary examination. Each semester module will have the minimum of TWO assessment tasks (Project/Assignment/ Class test/Presentation/Investigation, etc) and ONE examination. Year-long modules will have the minimum of FOUR assessment tasks (Project/Assignment/ Class test/Presentation/Investigation, etc) and ONE examination. Formative Assessment: written and oral tests, assignments, simulations, role play, case studies, presentations, micro-teaching, evaluations of School Based Experience (SBE). Summative assessment: written final examinations; SBE is assessed through continuous evaluation. |
Progression Rules
A student must register for courses/modules worth a minimum of 120 and a maximum of 128 credits each year. To proceed to the next level of study a student must pass two-third of the registered modules in the year preceding the progression year and meet the prerequisites of the courses he/she intends to register. If the student failed to meet requirements as per the rules of progression, Rule G7 will apply. |
RPL and Credit Transfer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may be used to demonstrate competence for admission to this qualification in line with the university’s RPL policy. Refer to requirements as per WSU General Prospectus – Section 4, paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 Credit Transfer Students are allowed to apply for formal credits recognition for modules / courses attained from other institutions, according to the university’s policy on credit transfers. Refer to requirements as per 2024 WSU General Prospectus – Section 4, paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 |