Diploma in Adult and Community Education and Training
6.1 Diploma in Adult and Community Education and Training |
Entry Requirements |
The Diploma in Adult and Community Education and Training is a three-year qualification that is intended to prepare students to become reflective and competent lecturers in Community Colleges. It articulates vertically to teacher education programmes pitching at NQF level 7.
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a diploma or bachelor's endorsement and achievement in the subjects as follows: • English level 3 • IsiXhosa level 3 • Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy level 2 • Achievement rating of 3 for any two subjects and 3 for the remaining two
Admission point score of 21 A National Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 4 with Diploma endorsement with at least 40% in fundamental subjects including English and 50% in any two of the following vocation. |
Teaching and learning strategy: Learner centredness, technology infused. |
Assessment strategy: Formative Assessment: written and oral tests, assignments, simulations, role plays, case studies, presentations, micro-teaching, evaluations of School Based Experience (SBE). Summative assessment: written final examinations; SBE is assessed through continuous evaluation
Progression Rules: A student proceeds from one level to the next provided he/she has passed 67% of the registered modules |
RPL and Credit Transfer: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may be used to demonstrate competence for admission to this qualification in line with the university’s RPL policy. Refer to requirements as per 2023 WSU General Prospectus – Section 4, paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 Credit Transfer Students are allowed to apply for formal credits recognition for modules / courses attained from other institutions, according to the university’s policy on credit transfers. Refer to requirements as per 2023 WSU General Prospectus – Section 4, paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 |
Articulation rules: A student in possession of this diploma can register for Advanced Diploma in ACET and proceed to do BEd Honours in ACET |
Exclusion Rules: The maximum permissible period of study for a 360 credits Diploma is five years. When a student reaches the maximum allowed period for the programme, he/she will not be allowed to re-register for the same programme, as per university rules. A student who fails to attain the minimum credit requirement stipulated as 40 credits after one year, 120 credits after 2 years, 200 credits after 3 years, 280 credits after 4years, 360 credits after 5 years.
Any other information: |