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Department board meetings & research activities



The objective of this tentative calendar is to propose how the Department of uses the 48 weeks of tuition time in 2024 academic year to effectively execute on its learning and teaching; research and innovation; and community engagement mandate.

The University Prospectus provides for the following:

Semester 1/Year registration to commence on 10th January 2024 for all returning students and FTENs. 

Semester 1 tuition to commence on 06th February for year-long modules and for semester courses and modules.

Semester 2 tuition to commence on 17thJuly for semester courses and modules. 

The Department offers a combination of semester and yearlong modules which are not mutually exclusive, and their teaching and learning will therefore both commence on the 6th of February 2024.






Week 1

09 Jan- 12 Jan 

Departmental Planning meetings

SMGs, Assessment Plans etc. (Forms to be completed).


Week 2

15 Jan – 19 Jan 

Monitoring appropriate registration of returning students

Attending to the examination office’s queries

SMGs, Assessment Plans etc. (Forms to be completed).


Week 3

22 Jan – 26 Jan 

 22 January

23 January 2024

24 January 2024

Special Examination 

Formulation of Committees:

Learning and Teaching Committee 

Community Engagement and Internationalisation Committee 

Research & Higher Degrees Committee

Research and Ethics Committee

Short Learning Programmes Committee

Language Committee

Special Faculty Board Meeting

Faculty Appeals Committee

FACEX Meeting held at Komani

SMGs, Assessment Plans etc. (Forms to be completed).

Affected Lecturer Special exam marking

Campus and site meetings (Mthatha & Komani)

Online meeting

Face to face at Komani

Face to face at Komani


29 Jan – 02 Feb

31 Jan – 02 Feb

Department Board Meetings

Admission and Registration

Reviewing and updating coding forms

Aligning the Department Handbooks with R & C

Preparing submissions for Faculty Board meeting

Finalisation of teaching plans, student module guides 


Week 5

05 Feb- 09 Feb

06    Feb

05 Feb – 09 Feb

Faculty Board Meeting

Institutional Orientation of FTENs

Executive Dean’s visit to Mthatha Site

Orientation of FTENS

Week 1

12 Feb – 16 Feb

13 Feb

16 Feb

Blended Teaching and Learning

VC’s Opening and Welcome Address

Welcoming of FTENS

Tuition Week 1 

Week 2

19 Feb – 23 Feb 

Blended Teaching and Learning

Research Activities 

Tuition Week 2 

Week 3

26 Feb – 01 Mar

Blended Teaching and Learning

Tuition Week 3

Week 4

04 Mar- 08 Mar   

04 Mar – 07 Mar

Face to face Teaching and Learning 

Supervisor’s Refresher Workshop

Tuition Week 4

Week 5

11 Mar -15 Mar  

16 March

Face to face – Assessment Week  Test 1

CAMI Baseline Assessments

DLT Workshops

Writing of 1st Assessment

Week 6

18    Mar – 20 Mar


20    March

Face to face – Assessment Week

CAMI Baseline Assessments

Research Activities

Writing of 1st Assessment 

Week 7

25 March – 28 March

25 March

27 March

28 March


Test 1 results due



Test 1 results captured on iEnabler

SENATE @ 09:00

 Lectures end


29 Mar – 07 April



Week 8

08 April -12 April

10 April


Face-to-face Teaching and Learning

Final Date: Submission of moderated question papers and memoranda; main, supplementary, and special examinations

Tuition Week 8

Week 09

15    April-19 April

15    April

16    April

Test 2

Institutional Advancement Committee

Departmental Meetings

Tuition Week 09

Writing of 2nd assessment

Week 10

22 April -26 April

22 April

25 April

26 April

Face to face- Assessment Week

Committee Meetings

Test 2 results due

Faculty Board Meeting

Tuition Week 10

Test 2 results captured on iEnabler

Week 11

29 April – 03 May

03 May

Final date of capturing of second term assessment marks

Tuition Week 11 

Week 12

06 May -10 May

Graduation Week

Test 3

Tuition Week 12 

Completion of outstanding Tests, administrative duties for staff

Week 13

13 May- 17 May

13 May

16 May

17 May

Face to face Teaching and Learning

Final date applications and registration for exams only

Test 3 results due

Lectures ends

Publication of DPs

Tuition Week 13

Test 2 results captured on iEnabler

Finalization of DP’s for semester modules and DP appeals

Week 14

20 May- 24 May

Study Week

Self-study and exam prep

Week 15

27    May- 31 June

Exam Week


Week 16

03 June -07 June 

Exam Week

Examinations/ Marking 

Week 17

10 June – 14 June

14 June

Exam Week

End of 1st semester standard examination

Marking and submission of marks

Week 18

17 June

18 June – 21 June

20 June

21 June

Public holiday observed.

Capturing of 1st semester exam marks

Final date for year course cancellations

2nd term ends

Finalisation of 1st semester exam marks


24 June – 12 July



24 June – 28 June

24 June

25 June

Approval and publication of 1st semester examination results

Opening date for special exams


07    July – 12 July

10 July

12 July

Commencement of supplementary examinations

Second ordinary SENATE MEETING

Supplementary examination ends


Week 1

15 July – 19 July

15    July

16    July

18 July

19 July


Lectures commence

2nd semester registration commence

Amendments to second-semester registration commence

Final date for capturing of supplementary exam marks

Second semester online registration continues

Publication of second semester examination results

Second semester online registration ends.


Week 2

21    July -26 July


23 July

26 July

Second-semester and year-end application for exam concession

students with disabilities commences

Application for special examination commences

Departmental Board Meeting

Final date or second semester courses cancellations with full credit refund

Closing date for special examination applications


Week 3

29    July – 02 August

28    July

30 July

31 July

Closing date of applications for access through RPL

Faculty Board Meeting

Special examinations commence – one day only across all campuses


Week 4

05 August -08 August

05 August

Publication of special examinations results


09 August

Public holiday


Week 5

12 August – 16 August

Test 1

Test week

Week 6

19 August – 23 August

22 August

23 August

Closing date application for subject exemption and recognition

Closing date application for examination only

Capturing of results for test 1


Week 7

26 August -30 August

26 August

30 August

Second-semester registration amendments ends

Closing date for second-semester course cancellations with 40% refund

Second-semester and year-end application for examination concession for students with disabilities ends

Lectures ends


31 August – 08 September



Week 8

09 September – 13 September

Lectures commence


Week 9

17    September – 20 September

18    September

Test 2

Final Date: Submission of moderated question papers and memoranda; main, supplementary and special examinations

Writing of  Assessment


23 September

WSU holiday


24 September

Heritage day


Week 10

 25 September

26 September

27 September

Closing date second-semester registration  of work integrated learning (experiential training)

Central graduation ceremony all campuses

Central graduation ceremony all campuses

Test 2 results captured on iEnabler


Week 11

29    September – 4 October 

3 October

Tuition week

Test 3


 Week 12

07 October – 11 October

11 October

Face to Face Teaching and Learning

Test 3 results captured on ienabler


Week 13

14 October – 18 October

16    October

17 October

Face to Face Teaching and Learning          

Lectures end

Publication of DPs and lodging of DP appeals commence

Study week commences


 17 October – 23 October

Study Week


24 October


Final examinations commence



28 October  - 1 November

28 October

1 November

Final examination

Mthatha learning and teaching day

Komani learning and teaching day


4 November – 8 November

Final examination

Examinations continue


11 November – 15 November

13 November

13 November

Final examinations

Final examinations end

Last ordinary SENATE meeting

Examinations continue


17    November – 22 November

18    November

Final date capturing of examination marks


25 November – 29 November

27 November

29 November

Approval and publication of year-end examination results

Academic exclusions

Institutional Research Day


2 December – 6 December

5 December

Supplementary examination commence


08    December – 13 December

11 December

Supplementary examinations continue

Supplementary examinations end


17    December – 20 December

17    December

19 December

Final date capturing of examination marks

Fourth term ends

Publication of supplementary examination results


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Contact Numbers:
Mthatha: 047 502 2100
Butterworth: 047 401 6000
East London: 043 702 9200
Potsdam: 043 708 5200
Chiselhurst: 043 709 4000

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